We’ve been told so many times just how essential fruits and vegetables are. We learned that as one of the basics since our early years in school. Fruits and vegetables have proven to be rich in vitamins and minerals, which our body need to become or remain healthy and strong. We need those nutrients in so many ways to make our body systems work. This is one way to be safe from harmful diseases and infections.
Image Source : BeverlyLR
There is a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs, which can provide vitamins and minerals to our body. But balancing the rich in nutrients is important. Regardless, we consume alkaline and acid, in which the alkaline has to be more absorbed than acid, so the health we need is sustained. The consequence of too much acid over than alkalinity is that it offers more opportunity for the body to get ill and sick. Different types of sicknesses are easy to welcome if the body has higher level of acid than alkaline. That is why it’s really important to balance our pH level. The body has to maintain at least 7.0 pH, which indicates normal health level. You can do this possible if you consider the proper and regular consumption of alkaline foods.
Green Vegetables
Asparagus, okra, and broccoli are green veggies that contain lots of benefits for the health. They are among the best choice of vegetables to consume regularly. If you are strictly opting for alkaline diet, it’s recommended that you serve at least one of these vegetables on a daily basis. Broccoli is one of the foods that have high level of alkaline.
Leafy Vegetables
Image Source : wheatfields
Raw spinach and lettuce are also good foods to have regularly. They are among the leafy vegetables with great amount of alkaline. Plus, it’s a good idea to have some leafy green salad as lunch while at work or dinner when you get home.
Essential Oils
There are also oils that can be considered a part of alkaline diet. These include olive oil, flax seed oil and canola oil. Everytime you need to get a bottle of oils, choose among those choices, but needless to say, olive oil is the best there is because of its alkaline content.
Watery and Bright Colored Fruits
Image Source : leahleaf
For fruits, avocado, watermelon, mangoes and papayas are good sources of alkaline. These four fruits are not only common ones but they also offer enough alkalinity. To add the list, have some apples, blueberries and grapes too.
Herbs and Juices
While you can easily grab some lunches or cook dinner with ingredients full of veggies and fruits, the beverages to drink regularly must not be missed as well. Having said that, herb teas, green tea, and lemon water are the best choices if you are on an alkaline diet. All of these contain nutrients good for the body and an excellent source of alkaline. Of course, drinking alkaline water alone is enough to take. So, that means try to stay away from sodas, coffee, beer and other alcoholic beverages.
For some additional flavor, seasoning or just for snacks, have nuts that are high in alkaline. These include almonds and chestnuts, which are not new to you for sure. On the contrast, limit your intake of walnuts, pecans, peanuts and cashews because they are more acidic.
Image Source : jaeden
Protecting our body against the harmful and dangerous effect of diseases and illnesses is really important. Yet, we can always do something to maintain the good health which our body needs in order to avoid getting sick. With this list of alkaline foods, it won’t be too hard to absorb all the nutrients needed in our body. For more information and details about alkaline foods, Please Visit our Website.